Wellness Trends You Should Get Into

stethoscope with holistic word

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the modern world that almost every business is constantly changing their business models to keep operating despite the challenges. But many struggled in 2020 and are continuously trying to stay afloat — from the tourism industry to senior living businesses and many other companies. One of the industries that have gone through these tough times but are adapting well enough during the uncertainties of these times is the wellness industry.

For those who haven’t gotten into this practice yet, wellness is the active pursuit of fostering the eight interconnected dimensions, namely social, economic, occupational, intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional, and environmental. One of the main goals of people who practice wellness is to form better habits. Of course, different people would have different definitions of wellness and how better and healthier habits can be achieved. Still, in a nutshell, it is a comprehensive approach to self-care.

How is the Wellness Industry During the New Normal?

According to 2018 data, the wellness industry is one of the world’s largest and most profitable industries, valued at $4.5 trillion. This whopping figure is attributed to people’s needs to achieve a work-life balance and care for their well-being. But since the pandemic has caused many businesses to suffer from lockdowns and social distancing, the wellness industry wasn’t an exception. Many wellness practices like yoga classes, spa treatments, and gyms were temporarily shut down.

As a result of business closures, whether permanent or temporary, the industry’s growth slowed down. However, these challenges have transformed the way the wellness industry provides services to meet the needs of people. Now it’s getting more common to have online yoga and meditation classes, and there is an increase of people subscribing to home training routines and private trainers. Zoom, the most popular video meeting software, is in-demand for people who need a workout routine to follow. The new normal for the wellness industry is allowing many businesses to thrive again and people to keep their routines in momentum.

The New Normal Wellness

While you’re waiting for the world to return to the normalcy everyone is yearning for, here are a few wellness trends that could help you cope during these uncertain times:

  • Online fitness

Online classes offering various workout routines, from yoga and calisthenics to gym workouts, were widely popular even before the pandemic. Of course, these online fitness services grew more popular as health buffs needed a guide to keeping themselves in shape. Well, these online classes are nothing compared to going to the gym or yoga classes, but it’s certainly cheaper, more convenient, and has fewer risks.

  • Touchless treatments

You’ll be surprised to know that touchless treatments have also been around even before the pandemic. But as the pandemic made people feel anxious about being near another person, touchless facials and spa treatments became more popular. The industry is finding ways to innovate its services amid a global health crisis, so you can still get your facial and spa treatments without worrying too much.

  • Breathing exercises

woman meditating by the beach

There aren’t that many people who are aware that everyone has a different way of breathing, and you can change the way you breathe to achieve better health. Breathing can relax your mind and regulate your blood flow. Breathing could also help boost your metabolism and immune system and even impact your emotional reaction and memory once you’ve learned how to pay more attention to the way you inhale and exhale.

  • Online meditation and yoga

Since in-person classes for yoga and meditation were considered risky due to the pandemic, the demand for apps and online classes helping users practice yoga and meditation in a safer space like their homes has risen dramatically. Even if these apps are nothing new, they’re becoming more popular as expected because people into fitness and holistic practice are looking for safer and less expensive ways to continue their routine without needing to be in a room full of other people.

  • Telehealthcare

Digital healthcare is a popular technology that allows consumers to use mobile devices and computers to receive healthcare services remotely. This type of innovation saves time while also avoiding the spread of the virus to patients and consumers. By meeting online with different specialists, like nutritionists, personal trainers, physical therapists, mental health therapists, and others, you no longer have to commute or be in public to book and get medical attention.

These Wellness Trends Are The Future

Despite the fact that the pandemic has caused the wellness industry to suffer financial losses, it will likely stay afloat and survive the challenges. Perhaps as everyone is learning to navigate this new reality and way of life, these trends will continue to grow until they become the norm.

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