What Are the Different Effects of Diabetes

stethoscope and a syringe on diabetes test
  • Diabetes is a chronic condition that can cause serious health issues if left untreated. 
  • Neuropathy is a common effect of diabetes, characterized by pain and numbness in the hands and feet. 
  • Increased thirst, blurred vision, frequent urination, fatigue, and weight loss are all symptoms of diabetes. 
  • Understanding these effects is key to managing diabetes effectively and avoiding more serious health complications. 

Diabetes is a dangerous, long-term affliction that affects countless individuals across the globe who can suffer significant health implications if it remains unaddressed. Diabetes occurs when the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or doesn’t use it properly, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels.

This can lead to many symptoms and complications, including increased risk for heart disease, stroke, vision loss, and kidney failure. Understanding the different effects of diabetes on your body is key to managing this condition effectively.


Neuropathy is a condition caused by diabetes, though it can also be caused by phenylketonuria or vitamin deficiencies. It is primarily characterized by pain and numbness in the feet and hands and a reduced sense of sensation in these areas, making daily activities difficult. Extreme sensitivity to even the light touch sensation can sometimes be experienced. Additionally, ulcerations in feet or toes may develop due to loss of sensation, leading to an inability to manage wounds well enough to avoid infection.

Most people with diabetes need to be aware of neuropathy and monitor themselves for signs such as tingling or discomfort in their hands and legs that indicate it is developing. Diagnosing this issue early is essential for good management and avoiding more serious complications related to general health decline due to poor healing capabilities.

Body changes

Body changes can occur in people with diabetes. This is caused by high levels of sugar and fat in the blood, damaging the walls of small blood vessels that supply nerves. Here are some signs and symptoms to look out for:

Increased thirst

a woman drinking mineral water

Increased thirst, known medically as polydipsia, is a common symptom of diabetes that should not be ignored. This type of extreme thirst can occur when the body can’t access enough fluids due to dehydration or changes in blood sugar.

For those living with diabetes, it is important to stay vigilant about this symptom by recognizing changes in their body and consulting a doctor if necessary. Not only can increased thirst help with the later diagnosis of diabetes, but it can also be a clue that blood sugar levels are already too high. Thus, seeking medical advice at the first sign of this symptom allows further monitoring and may help prevent further health complications.

Blurred vision

an eyeglass pointing at the eye vision test

Blurred vision is one of the effects of diabetes that many individuals don’t know about. Uncontrolled blood sugar can cause fluid to increase in the eye lens, resulting in difficulty focusing and blurred images. Because of this, diabetes patients need to keep a close eye on their blood levels; regular visits with an eye care professional can help detect any changes immediately.

Monitor changes in sight, such as double vision or hazy colors, can indicate high blood sugar. Keeping a healthy balance of sugars in the body helps prevent or delay further damage caused by nutrients lost due to blurred vision caused by diabetes.

Frequent urination

Diabetes can be one of the earliest identifiers when frequent urination is present. People with diabetes must frequently use the bathroom as their body attempts to rid itself of excess glucose, causing an urge to pee. To get rid of this substance, the body draws water from the cells in all parts of the body, resulting in dehydration and increased urination.

Although this side effect can cause discomfort and annoyance for people with diabetes, those experiencing frequent urination must address it promptly with a medical professional, who may be able to diagnose and treat diabetes before more serious effects manifest. Taking control of your health by recognizing symptoms and seeking medical help in a timely fashion can significantly improve a person’s quality of life with diabetes.

Fatigue and weakness

Fatigue and weakness are two of the most common symptoms of diabetes that are often overlooked. When a person has diabetes, their blood sugar levels – either high or low – can lead to feelings of exhaustion, in addition to confusion and dizziness. This weakened state can also be caused by a lack of nutrients or an unwillingness to engage in physical activities. It is essential to recognize these symptoms early, as they can worsen without proper attention.

Diabetes patients should adjust their lifestyle choices accordingly and take regular breaks when they feel any signs of fatigue or weakness developing. Adopting a healthy diet and regular exercise can help prevent the onset of potentially dangerous conditions that accompany high blood sugar levels, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney failure, and more.

Weight loss

Weight loss as a direct result of diabetes is an effect that affects individuals with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diabetes causes a decrease in metabolic processes, leading to malnutrition and weight loss. This can be caused by an inaccurate dosage of insulin or taking too much of it at one time, inadequate nutrition in the diet, or failing to exercise and balance their physical needs.

It is important to understand this effect of diabetes because weight loss increases the risk of developing further health complications such as organ failure, blindness, and other life-threatening medical issues. Additionally, addressing unexplained weight loss can help prevent long-term medical problems associated with diabetes.

These are just some of the effects diabetes can have on the body. Staying up-to-date with the potential side effects of your condition is critical for properly managing it and safeguarding yourself from more severe health issues.

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