Simple Tips to Create a Healthier Home for Your Family

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More and more people realize the importance of creating a healthy home for their families. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside our homes is often more polluted than outside air. Additionally, the average American spends about 90% of their time indoors, so it’s essential to ensure that indoor spaces are as healthy as possible. You want to create a home that is not only physically comfortable but also psychologically and emotionally nourishing.

You can do a few simple things to create a healthier home for your family.

1. Improve your indoor air quality.

One of the best ways to improve indoor air quality is to invest in an air purifier. Air purifiers can remove various pollutants from the air, including dust, pollen, smoke, and pet dander. Additionally, you can improve your air quality by ensuring that your home is well-ventilated. Open your windows regularly to let fresh air in and improve circulation.

You can also consider installing an exhaust fan in your kitchen and bathroom to help remove airborne pollutants. This is especially important if you have gas appliances, as they can release harmful fumes into the air. You can also use natural air fresheners like essential oils to help purify the air and make your home smell nice.

woman cleaning window

2. Use non-toxic cleaning products.

Many traditional cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can pollute your indoor air and potentially cause health problems. When choosing cleaning products, look for non-toxic and environmentally friendly ones. There are a variety of natural cleaning products on the market that are just as effective as traditional ones.

For example, you can use vinegar and water to clean your countertops and windows. Baking soda is another great natural cleaning agent that you can use to clean your bathtub and oven. You can also make your own cleaning solutions using essential oils. Add a few drops of oil to water, and you’ll have a safe and effective cleaning solution.

3. Soften hard water in your home.

You may want to consider installing a whole house water softener system if you have hard water. Hard water can leave mineral deposits on your fixtures and appliances and make your skin and hair feel dry. This system will remove these minerals from your water, making it gentler on your skin and hair and extending the life of your appliances.

Water softeners usually have filters that can remove other contaminants from your water, such as chlorine. This will improve the taste of your water and make it safer for you to drink. You can also ask your provider for filters specifically designed to remove lead if you’re concerned about lead in your water.

4. Bring nature into your home.

Nature can have a calming effect on your mind and body, so bringing it into your home is important. You can do this by adding some houseplants to your space. Indoor plants can improve indoor air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. They can also help reduce stress and anxiety.

Some of the best plants for purifying the air include bamboo palm, aloe vera, spider plant, and snake plant. These plants are also low-maintenance, so you don’t have to worry about taking care of them. Many of them can even thrive in low-light conditions. If you want hardier plants, you can also consider succulents and cacti that are easy to care for.

Of course, you can also bring nature into your home by decorating with natural materials. Wood furniture and decor can add a warm and welcoming feeling to your space. You can also add stone or clay accents to give your home a more natural feel.

5. Choose furniture and building materials wisely.

When furnishing your home, it’s essential to choose materials that won’t off-gas harmful chemicals into the air. Some materials, like particleboard, can release formaldehyde into the air. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, so it’s essential to avoid it if possible.

Instead, opt for solid wood furniture or furniture made with formaldehyde-free plywood or particleboard. If you’re looking for new flooring, consider bamboo or cork. These materials are environmentally friendly and won’t off-gas harmful chemicals.

When it comes to paint, look for low-VOC options. These paints won’t release as many harmful chemicals into the air, making them a safer choice for your home. Some companies even make zero-VOC paints, the safest option on the market.

Making your home healthier doesn’t have to be complicated. There are a few simple changes you can make that will significantly impact your family’s health. Your home should be a safe haven for you and your family, so take the time to create a healthy space you can enjoy for years to come. With these tips, you can make your home a healthier place for everyone

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